Palestine Emergency Law

The Palestine Emergency Law is an emergency law defined by Palestine in Article No. 110 of the amended Basic Law of 2003 AD, which is a law regulating the state of emergency, which is an exceptional system defined in time and space declared by the government, to meet emergency and unusual conditions that threaten the country or a part of it, through urgent measures and unusual methods under conditions Specific and until the threat is gone. A text that emphasizes the necessity and importance of defining the situation in space and time is always contained in international legislation related to this subject, and it is adhered to with strict conditions, to limit the abuse that customary, executive or administrative authorities may exercise against this situation.

Palestine Emergency Law

The Palestine Emergency Law is an emergency law defined by Palestine in Article No. 110 of the amended Basic Law of 2003 AD, which is a law regulating the state of emergency, which is an exceptional system defined in time and space declared by the government, to meet emergency and unusual conditions that threaten the country or a part of it, through urgent measures and unusual methods under conditions Specific and until the threat is gone. A text that emphasizes the necessity and importance of defining the situation in space and time is always contained in international legislation related to this subject, and it is adhered to with strict conditions, to limit the abuse that customary, executive or administrative authorities may exercise against this situation.