Pandita (Buddhism)

Paṇḍita (Sanskrit; Tibetan: khepa; Wyl: mkhas pa) was a title in Indian Buddhism awarded to scholars who have mastered the five sciences (Sanskrit: pañcavidyāsthāna; Tib. rigné chenpo nga; Wyl. rig gnas chen po lnga) in which a learned person was traditionally supposed to be well-versed. The first (and one of the only) Tibetans afforded the title was Sakya Pandita. For other notable Buddhists afforded the title, see Pandita.

Pandita (Buddhism)

Paṇḍita (Sanskrit; Tibetan: khepa; Wyl: mkhas pa) was a title in Indian Buddhism awarded to scholars who have mastered the five sciences (Sanskrit: pañcavidyāsthāna; Tib. rigné chenpo nga; Wyl. rig gnas chen po lnga) in which a learned person was traditionally supposed to be well-versed. The first (and one of the only) Tibetans afforded the title was Sakya Pandita. For other notable Buddhists afforded the title, see Pandita.