Panther Girl of the Kongo

Panther Girl of the Kongo is a 1955 Republic movie serial. It used much stock footage from the 1941 Republic serial Jungle Girl. This was the penultimate (sixty-fifth of sixty-six) serial produced by Republic. Panther Girl of the Kongo mixes several stock serial plots including the "land grab", exotic location, jungle girl and mad scientist. Phyllis Coates played the Panther Girl.

Panther Girl of the Kongo

Panther Girl of the Kongo is a 1955 Republic movie serial. It used much stock footage from the 1941 Republic serial Jungle Girl. This was the penultimate (sixty-fifth of sixty-six) serial produced by Republic. Panther Girl of the Kongo mixes several stock serial plots including the "land grab", exotic location, jungle girl and mad scientist. Phyllis Coates played the Panther Girl.