Paperthin Hymn

"Paperthin Hymn" is the second single from alternative rock band Anberlin's second album Never Take Friendship Personal. The song charted at No. 38 on Modern Rock Chart in the U.S. The song was reportedly inspired by the death of guitarist Joseph Milligan's sister at 29 due to cancer. It is also on the Midnight Sun playlist, created by Stephenie Meyer. The song was performed by the band on G4's Attack of the Show! in 2006. The song is also featured in the teaser trailer for the movie Broken Path.

Paperthin Hymn

"Paperthin Hymn" is the second single from alternative rock band Anberlin's second album Never Take Friendship Personal. The song charted at No. 38 on Modern Rock Chart in the U.S. The song was reportedly inspired by the death of guitarist Joseph Milligan's sister at 29 due to cancer. It is also on the Midnight Sun playlist, created by Stephenie Meyer. The song was performed by the band on G4's Attack of the Show! in 2006. The song is also featured in the teaser trailer for the movie Broken Path.