Parable of the Leaven

The Parable of the Leaven (also called the Parable of the yeast) is one of the shortest parables of Jesus. It appears in Matthew (13:33) and Luke (13:20–21), as well as in the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas (logion 96). In the canonicals it immediately follows the Parable of the Mustard Seed, which shares this parable's theme of the Kingdom of Heaven growing from small beginnings, and in the Gospel of Thomas it starts a series of three, preceding the Parable of the empty jar and the Parable of the Strong Man.

Parable of the Leaven

The Parable of the Leaven (also called the Parable of the yeast) is one of the shortest parables of Jesus. It appears in Matthew (13:33) and Luke (13:20–21), as well as in the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas (logion 96). In the canonicals it immediately follows the Parable of the Mustard Seed, which shares this parable's theme of the Kingdom of Heaven growing from small beginnings, and in the Gospel of Thomas it starts a series of three, preceding the Parable of the empty jar and the Parable of the Strong Man.