Parable of those who associate partners with God

The parable of those who associate partners with God is a Quranic parable which appears in chapter Al-Hajj of the Quran. The foolishness of those who invoke or worship anything besides God is presented in this parable. This parable demonstrates the unity of God. As God is one and has no partners, there can be no partners associated with him nor can any worship, including prayers, be directed toward others to seek help and protection.

Parable of those who associate partners with God

The parable of those who associate partners with God is a Quranic parable which appears in chapter Al-Hajj of the Quran. The foolishness of those who invoke or worship anything besides God is presented in this parable. This parable demonstrates the unity of God. As God is one and has no partners, there can be no partners associated with him nor can any worship, including prayers, be directed toward others to seek help and protection.