
Parascorodite is a rare, secondary iron-arsenate mineral. It has a chemical formula of (FeAsO4·2H2O) and was discovered in 1967 using X-ray powder diffraction methods, when an unknown substance was found along with scorodite on medieval ore dumps in the Czech Republic. The holotype of parascorodite can be found in the mineralogical collection of the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic under acquisition number P1p25/98.


Parascorodite is a rare, secondary iron-arsenate mineral. It has a chemical formula of (FeAsO4·2H2O) and was discovered in 1967 using X-ray powder diffraction methods, when an unknown substance was found along with scorodite on medieval ore dumps in the Czech Republic. The holotype of parascorodite can be found in the mineralogical collection of the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic under acquisition number P1p25/98.