Parijnanashram II

Swami Parijnanashram II (Devanāgarī: परिज्ञानाश्रम, Pa.ri.jñā.nā.shram) was the third Guru and Mathādhipati of the Chitrāpur Sāraswats whose reign was between 1757 and 1770. He was ordained as the guru by the elders of the community after Swami Shankarāshram I died without selecting a shishya (disciple). Normally it is the shishya who ordained by the guru, who succeeds as the guru of the community.

Parijnanashram II

Swami Parijnanashram II (Devanāgarī: परिज्ञानाश्रम, Pa.ri.jñā.nā.shram) was the third Guru and Mathādhipati of the Chitrāpur Sāraswats whose reign was between 1757 and 1770. He was ordained as the guru by the elders of the community after Swami Shankarāshram I died without selecting a shishya (disciple). Normally it is the shishya who ordained by the guru, who succeeds as the guru of the community.