
Parisite-(La) is mineral discovered by Daniel Atencio of the University of São Paulo and colleagues in the Mula claim, Bahia, Brazil. Parisite-(La) is the lanthanum analog of parisite-(Ce), which has the same structure, but with cerium substituted for lanthanum. Parisite-(La) is chemically similar to synchysite-(La). The type material for parisite-(La) resides in the mineralogical collections of the Museu de Ciência e Técnica, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and at the University of Arizona Mineral Museum, Tucson, Arizona.


Parisite-(La) is mineral discovered by Daniel Atencio of the University of São Paulo and colleagues in the Mula claim, Bahia, Brazil. Parisite-(La) is the lanthanum analog of parisite-(Ce), which has the same structure, but with cerium substituted for lanthanum. Parisite-(La) is chemically similar to synchysite-(La). The type material for parisite-(La) resides in the mineralogical collections of the Museu de Ciência e Técnica, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and at the University of Arizona Mineral Museum, Tucson, Arizona.