Party of Return to Serfdom

The Party of Return to Serfdom (RU: kryepostniki, krespotniki; FR: esclavagistes) was an ultra right-wing political party established in the 1800s during the Russian Empire. As its name suggests, it supported re-establishing serfdom in Russia, after the Emancipation Reform of 1861. The party's history is relatively limited to the late 1800s, and for the most part it served as a target of derision by liberal, progressive, or socialist reformers.

Party of Return to Serfdom

The Party of Return to Serfdom (RU: kryepostniki, krespotniki; FR: esclavagistes) was an ultra right-wing political party established in the 1800s during the Russian Empire. As its name suggests, it supported re-establishing serfdom in Russia, after the Emancipation Reform of 1861. The party's history is relatively limited to the late 1800s, and for the most part it served as a target of derision by liberal, progressive, or socialist reformers.