Pasqua Rosée

Pasqua Rosée, opened the first coffeehouse in London in 1652. The coffeehouse was located in St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill. However, Rosée opened his very first coffee shop in Oxford, England in 1651. Pascal Rosée origin is not clear, however he "probably" was born to a Greek community of the republic of Ragusa and moved in Smyrna in Asia Minor in the early seventeenth century. In 1651 a merchant named Daniel Edwards, a member of the Levant Company and a trader in Turkish goods, encountered Rosée at Smyrna employed him as a manservant and brought him back to Britain.

Pasqua Rosée

Pasqua Rosée, opened the first coffeehouse in London in 1652. The coffeehouse was located in St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill. However, Rosée opened his very first coffee shop in Oxford, England in 1651. Pascal Rosée origin is not clear, however he "probably" was born to a Greek community of the republic of Ragusa and moved in Smyrna in Asia Minor in the early seventeenth century. In 1651 a merchant named Daniel Edwards, a member of the Levant Company and a trader in Turkish goods, encountered Rosée at Smyrna employed him as a manservant and brought him back to Britain.