Pastorale officium

Pastorale officium was an Apostolic Brief issued by Pope Paul III, May 29, 1537, to Cardinal Juan Pardo de Tavera which declares that anyone who enslaved or despoiled indigenous Americans would be automatically excommunicated. The annulling of the ecclesiastical letter was not a denial of the doctrinal teaching of the spiritual equivalence of all human beings. The annulation gave rise to the subsequentpapal encyclical Sublimis Deus promulgated by Pope Paul III on June 2, 1537 Thus the Pastorale officium has been seen as a companion document for the encyclical Sublimis Deus.

Pastorale officium

Pastorale officium was an Apostolic Brief issued by Pope Paul III, May 29, 1537, to Cardinal Juan Pardo de Tavera which declares that anyone who enslaved or despoiled indigenous Americans would be automatically excommunicated. The annulling of the ecclesiastical letter was not a denial of the doctrinal teaching of the spiritual equivalence of all human beings. The annulation gave rise to the subsequentpapal encyclical Sublimis Deus promulgated by Pope Paul III on June 2, 1537 Thus the Pastorale officium has been seen as a companion document for the encyclical Sublimis Deus.