Patricio Coll

Patricio Coll is a movie director from Argentina who has worked in film, video and TV, both in Argentina and Venezuela and Spain. He currently resides in Santa Fe. Coll was assistant director on the acclaimed 1968 movie Palo y hueso, directed by Nicolás Sarquís and starring Héctor da Rosa and Miguel Ligero.For his 2001 movie (Scars), based on the novel of the same name by Juan José Saer, he was nominated for the 2002 Silver Condor award for Best Screenplay Adaptation at the Mar del Plata Film Festival.Cicatrices weaves together three stories of frustrated men and women in the 1960s, a downbeat movie in which it always seems to be raining.The movie starred Omar Fantini, Raul Kreig, Pablo Di Crocce, , Maria Leal and Vando Villamil.A critic said of the movie "Coll's film is not easy to pigeo

Patricio Coll

Patricio Coll is a movie director from Argentina who has worked in film, video and TV, both in Argentina and Venezuela and Spain. He currently resides in Santa Fe. Coll was assistant director on the acclaimed 1968 movie Palo y hueso, directed by Nicolás Sarquís and starring Héctor da Rosa and Miguel Ligero.For his 2001 movie (Scars), based on the novel of the same name by Juan José Saer, he was nominated for the 2002 Silver Condor award for Best Screenplay Adaptation at the Mar del Plata Film Festival.Cicatrices weaves together three stories of frustrated men and women in the 1960s, a downbeat movie in which it always seems to be raining.The movie starred Omar Fantini, Raul Kreig, Pablo Di Crocce, , Maria Leal and Vando Villamil.A critic said of the movie "Coll's film is not easy to pigeo