Patrick Healey Jr.

Patrick Healey Jr. Healey was born in Niagara Falls, New York, USA. PBA member from 1998-2007. 172 national tournaments bowled, 28 television finals. 3 PBA National Titles Healey started bowling on a fluke. "My mother and father got me started. Apparently, they went out to bowl one evening when I was 8 years old, and they couldn't get a babysitter. So they just dragged me along. It turned out I liked it so much that they enrolled me in a youth league the next year"

Patrick Healey Jr.

Patrick Healey Jr. Healey was born in Niagara Falls, New York, USA. PBA member from 1998-2007. 172 national tournaments bowled, 28 television finals. 3 PBA National Titles Healey started bowling on a fluke. "My mother and father got me started. Apparently, they went out to bowl one evening when I was 8 years old, and they couldn't get a babysitter. So they just dragged me along. It turned out I liked it so much that they enrolled me in a youth league the next year"