Patrick Liddell

Patrick Liddell is a composer and video artist living in Oakland, California. He earned his Doctor of Music from Northwestern University in 2009. His thesis is titled "Arrow To The Sun: Postmodernism As Compositional Tool", which outlines the contextual processes in postmodernist art, as well as includes a detailed description of the compositional, theoretical, and contextual framework for all his output. The music from "Arrow To The Sun" was the basis for Liddell's first solo studio release.

Patrick Liddell

Patrick Liddell is a composer and video artist living in Oakland, California. He earned his Doctor of Music from Northwestern University in 2009. His thesis is titled "Arrow To The Sun: Postmodernism As Compositional Tool", which outlines the contextual processes in postmodernist art, as well as includes a detailed description of the compositional, theoretical, and contextual framework for all his output. The music from "Arrow To The Sun" was the basis for Liddell's first solo studio release.