Paul Fireman

Paul Fireman is an American businessman and humanitarian who for 26 years led Reebok International, Ltd. as Chairman and CEO to become one of the most popular athletic shoe companies worldwide. Beyond financial success, he is well known as a business visionary and a champion for human rights. Fireman challenged corporate America to become more socially responsible and demonstrated that all corporations could succeed financially, while simultaneously serving the public good. He sold Reebok to Adidas in 2005, but his life and business ventures continue to reflect his philanthropy in serving people and communities throughout the country today.

Paul Fireman

Paul Fireman is an American businessman and humanitarian who for 26 years led Reebok International, Ltd. as Chairman and CEO to become one of the most popular athletic shoe companies worldwide. Beyond financial success, he is well known as a business visionary and a champion for human rights. Fireman challenged corporate America to become more socially responsible and demonstrated that all corporations could succeed financially, while simultaneously serving the public good. He sold Reebok to Adidas in 2005, but his life and business ventures continue to reflect his philanthropy in serving people and communities throughout the country today.