Peach scab

Peach scab, also known as peach freckles, is a disease of stone fruits caused by the fungi Cladosporium carpophilum. The disease is most prevalent in wet and warm areas especially southern part of the U.S. as the fungi require rain and wind for dispersal. The fungus causes scabbing, lesions, and defoliating on twig, fruit, and leaf resulting in downgrade of peach quality or loss of fruits due to rotting in severe cases.

Peach scab

Peach scab, also known as peach freckles, is a disease of stone fruits caused by the fungi Cladosporium carpophilum. The disease is most prevalent in wet and warm areas especially southern part of the U.S. as the fungi require rain and wind for dispersal. The fungus causes scabbing, lesions, and defoliating on twig, fruit, and leaf resulting in downgrade of peach quality or loss of fruits due to rotting in severe cases.