
PediaPress GmbH is a software development and print-on-demand company located in Mainz, Germany. The company is a spin-off of Brainbot Technologies AG. It allows users to create customized books from wiki content using an automated PDF file builder and print-on-demand (PoD) technology. Users can add their own cover details and limited content, such as a foreword. PediaPress maintains that it is not a publisher and does not review the content of any printed books or other works offered through its tools, however it may remove content it deems to be illegal or inappropriate.


PediaPress GmbH is a software development and print-on-demand company located in Mainz, Germany. The company is a spin-off of Brainbot Technologies AG. It allows users to create customized books from wiki content using an automated PDF file builder and print-on-demand (PoD) technology. Users can add their own cover details and limited content, such as a foreword. PediaPress maintains that it is not a publisher and does not review the content of any printed books or other works offered through its tools, however it may remove content it deems to be illegal or inappropriate.