Peep Show (Canadian TV series)

Peep Show is a Canadian television series, which aired on CBC Television in 1975 and 1976. The series, a 16-episode anthology of half-hour drama programs by new and emerging Canadian writers and directors, was produced by George Bloomfield and Gerald Mayer. The eleven programs produced by Bloomfield leaned more to experimentation, while the five produced by Mayer were more in the vein of traditional television. The show was not renewed for a second season due to budget constraints.

Peep Show (Canadian TV series)

Peep Show is a Canadian television series, which aired on CBC Television in 1975 and 1976. The series, a 16-episode anthology of half-hour drama programs by new and emerging Canadian writers and directors, was produced by George Bloomfield and Gerald Mayer. The eleven programs produced by Bloomfield leaned more to experimentation, while the five produced by Mayer were more in the vein of traditional television. The show was not renewed for a second season due to budget constraints.