Pei Tan (8th-century Tang chancellor)

Pei Tan (裴談) was an official of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, briefly serving as chancellor. Despite Pei's high status, little is firmly established about his career except for the time that he served as chancellor—as, unusual for a chancellor, he did not have a biography in either the Old Book of Tang or the New Book of Tang. It is known that his clan traced its ancestry to the Cao Wei official Pei Hui (裴徽). Some of Pei Tan's ancestors served as officials for Jin Dynasty (266–420), Former Qin, and Northern Wei, but Pei's several immediate ancestors did not carry any official titles.

Pei Tan (8th-century Tang chancellor)

Pei Tan (裴談) was an official of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, briefly serving as chancellor. Despite Pei's high status, little is firmly established about his career except for the time that he served as chancellor—as, unusual for a chancellor, he did not have a biography in either the Old Book of Tang or the New Book of Tang. It is known that his clan traced its ancestry to the Cao Wei official Pei Hui (裴徽). Some of Pei Tan's ancestors served as officials for Jin Dynasty (266–420), Former Qin, and Northern Wei, but Pei's several immediate ancestors did not carry any official titles.