Penis reduction

Penis reduction or penis reduction surgery refers to efforts or an assortment of techniques intended to decrease the girth or length of the human penis, especially when erect. The motive behind such a procedure can range from complications such as macropenis, genital lymphedema, or sex reassignment. It may also be motivated by the shape or size of the extant penis being unviable for intercourse and the associated social liabilities of having macrophallic penile dimensions. The causes of macrophallism can range from sickle cell disease to priapism. The age range of individuals who have undergone treatment or are purported to have considered it vary including a 17 year old, a 52 year old and a 20 year old. The procedure may involve the removal of tissue beneath the skin of the penis, amelior

Penis reduction

Penis reduction or penis reduction surgery refers to efforts or an assortment of techniques intended to decrease the girth or length of the human penis, especially when erect. The motive behind such a procedure can range from complications such as macropenis, genital lymphedema, or sex reassignment. It may also be motivated by the shape or size of the extant penis being unviable for intercourse and the associated social liabilities of having macrophallic penile dimensions. The causes of macrophallism can range from sickle cell disease to priapism. The age range of individuals who have undergone treatment or are purported to have considered it vary including a 17 year old, a 52 year old and a 20 year old. The procedure may involve the removal of tissue beneath the skin of the penis, amelior