Per Engdahl

Per Claes Sven Edvard Engdahl (25 February 1909 – 4 May 1994) was a leading Swedish far-right politician. He was a leader of Sveriges Fascistiska Kamporganisation (SFKO, Sweden's Fascist Action Organization), during the 1930s. Born in Jönköping, he came from a conservative family with a strong military tradition. He attended Uppsala University, where he studied philosophy.

Per Engdahl

Per Claes Sven Edvard Engdahl (25 February 1909 – 4 May 1994) was a leading Swedish far-right politician. He was a leader of Sveriges Fascistiska Kamporganisation (SFKO, Sweden's Fascist Action Organization), during the 1930s. Born in Jönköping, he came from a conservative family with a strong military tradition. He attended Uppsala University, where he studied philosophy.