
PerlTidy is a tool written in the Perl programming language to do static code analysis against code written in that same language. It uses either command-line switches or configuration files to reformat Perl scripts so they comply with specified coding rules. The default configuration is an approximation of the Perl Style Guide. Aside from the command line, there are a number of tools for alternate interfaces for PerlTidy, including one for the Padre IDE, perltidy.el for Emacs. and an online version


PerlTidy is a tool written in the Perl programming language to do static code analysis against code written in that same language. It uses either command-line switches or configuration files to reformat Perl scripts so they comply with specified coding rules. The default configuration is an approximation of the Perl Style Guide. Aside from the command line, there are a number of tools for alternate interfaces for PerlTidy, including one for the Padre IDE, perltidy.el for Emacs. and an online version