Pet tattoo

The term Pet Tattoo relates to the act of tattooing directly onto animals, a common practice which is utilised within various different aspects of society. Pet Tattooing refers to the tattooing of animals for either cultural purposes, artistic means, animal identification or simply with personal aesthetic motives. Wim Delvoye is a pig tattoo artist who is originally from Belgium, but relocated to China to avoid the EU's animal rights laws. Wim Delvoye is known for tattooing 'pop culture' symbols directly onto live pigs, which he then exhibits them in galleries or on his Art Farm. This is an unconventional form of pet tattooing, so has therefore provoked debate about the morality of this art form. The most widely accepted utilisation of pet tattooing, however, is for animal identification.

Pet tattoo

The term Pet Tattoo relates to the act of tattooing directly onto animals, a common practice which is utilised within various different aspects of society. Pet Tattooing refers to the tattooing of animals for either cultural purposes, artistic means, animal identification or simply with personal aesthetic motives. Wim Delvoye is a pig tattoo artist who is originally from Belgium, but relocated to China to avoid the EU's animal rights laws. Wim Delvoye is known for tattooing 'pop culture' symbols directly onto live pigs, which he then exhibits them in galleries or on his Art Farm. This is an unconventional form of pet tattooing, so has therefore provoked debate about the morality of this art form. The most widely accepted utilisation of pet tattooing, however, is for animal identification.