Philipp Dengel

Philipp Dengel (15 December 1888 – 28 March 1948) was a German journalist and politician (SPD, KPD). He sat as a Communist member of the Reichstag (national parliament) between 1924 and 1930, and through most of the fractious 1920s was a close political ally of Ernst Thälmann who became party leader in 1925. There was a falling out between the two men over the so-called Wittorf affair of 1928, however. Between 1931 and 1947, Dengel lived principally in Moscow in connection with his party work (and because between 1933 and 1945 it would have been highly dangerous for Dengel, as a known Communist activist-politician, to set foot in Germany).

Philipp Dengel

Philipp Dengel (15 December 1888 – 28 March 1948) was a German journalist and politician (SPD, KPD). He sat as a Communist member of the Reichstag (national parliament) between 1924 and 1930, and through most of the fractious 1920s was a close political ally of Ernst Thälmann who became party leader in 1925. There was a falling out between the two men over the so-called Wittorf affair of 1928, however. Between 1931 and 1947, Dengel lived principally in Moscow in connection with his party work (and because between 1933 and 1945 it would have been highly dangerous for Dengel, as a known Communist activist-politician, to set foot in Germany).