Philippine television drama

Philippine television drama, also known as teleserye, Filipino telenovelas or P-drama, is a form of melodramatic serialized fiction in television in the Philippines. Teleserye is derived from two Filipino words: "tele", which is short for "telebisyón" (television) and "sérye" (series). Other forms of Philippine dramas include "serials" and "anthologies", which are usually shown on a weekly basis. These dramas are also intended to air a finite number of episodes usually lasting one season depending on the ratings.

Philippine television drama

Philippine television drama, also known as teleserye, Filipino telenovelas or P-drama, is a form of melodramatic serialized fiction in television in the Philippines. Teleserye is derived from two Filipino words: "tele", which is short for "telebisyón" (television) and "sérye" (series). Other forms of Philippine dramas include "serials" and "anthologies", which are usually shown on a weekly basis. These dramas are also intended to air a finite number of episodes usually lasting one season depending on the ratings.