Pierluigi Cappello

Pierluigi Cappello (8 August 1967 – 1 October 2017) was an Italian poet. He was born in Gemona del Friuli, and raised in Chiusaforte. Cappello won the 2010 Viareggio-Rèpaci prize for poetry with his collection Mandate a dire all'imperatore. His other prizes include the Premio Montale for Dittico (Liboà editore in Dogliani, 2004), the Premio Bagutta and Premio Nazionale Letterario Pisa for Assetto Di Volo (Crocetti Editore, Milan 2006) and the Premio Terzani for his prose work, Questa libertà. In 2013 BUR Rizzoli published his selected poems in the volume Azzurro Elementare. Poesie 1992-2010, and, in 2017, a group of thirty new poems, Stato Di Quiete. English translations of his work have appeared in Poetry, PN Review, AGNI, Asymptote, Narrative Magazine, and several other journals, and wer

Pierluigi Cappello

Pierluigi Cappello (8 August 1967 – 1 October 2017) was an Italian poet. He was born in Gemona del Friuli, and raised in Chiusaforte. Cappello won the 2010 Viareggio-Rèpaci prize for poetry with his collection Mandate a dire all'imperatore. His other prizes include the Premio Montale for Dittico (Liboà editore in Dogliani, 2004), the Premio Bagutta and Premio Nazionale Letterario Pisa for Assetto Di Volo (Crocetti Editore, Milan 2006) and the Premio Terzani for his prose work, Questa libertà. In 2013 BUR Rizzoli published his selected poems in the volume Azzurro Elementare. Poesie 1992-2010, and, in 2017, a group of thirty new poems, Stato Di Quiete. English translations of his work have appeared in Poetry, PN Review, AGNI, Asymptote, Narrative Magazine, and several other journals, and wer