Pilot (Sit Down, Shut Up)

The pilot episode of the American animated television series Sit Down, Shut Up originally aired in the United States on April 19, 2009 on the Fox network. The episode introduced the faculty and staff at Knob Haven High School in the fictional town of Knob Haven, Florida. In the episode, the school is facing a financial crisis and acting principal Sue Sezno has to either fire a teacher or make sure the school wins a football game. Meanwhile, assistant principal Stuart Proszakian becomes addicted to drugs that were found in a student's locker.

Pilot (Sit Down, Shut Up)

The pilot episode of the American animated television series Sit Down, Shut Up originally aired in the United States on April 19, 2009 on the Fox network. The episode introduced the faculty and staff at Knob Haven High School in the fictional town of Knob Haven, Florida. In the episode, the school is facing a financial crisis and acting principal Sue Sezno has to either fire a teacher or make sure the school wins a football game. Meanwhile, assistant principal Stuart Proszakian becomes addicted to drugs that were found in a student's locker.