Piracy Act 1721

The Piracy Act 1721 (c.24) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. The long title and preamble of the Act were: An Act for the more effectual suppressing of Piracy.Whereas the number of persons committing piracies, felonies, and robberies upon the seas is of late very much increased, and notwithstanding the laws already made and now in being, many idle and profligate persons have turned pirates, and betaken themselves to that wicked course of life, whereby the trade and navigation into remote parts will greatly suffer unless some further provision be speedily made for bringing such persons and all others who shall be any ways aiding and assisting, or in confederacy with them, to condign punishment:

Piracy Act 1721

The Piracy Act 1721 (c.24) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. The long title and preamble of the Act were: An Act for the more effectual suppressing of Piracy.Whereas the number of persons committing piracies, felonies, and robberies upon the seas is of late very much increased, and notwithstanding the laws already made and now in being, many idle and profligate persons have turned pirates, and betaken themselves to that wicked course of life, whereby the trade and navigation into remote parts will greatly suffer unless some further provision be speedily made for bringing such persons and all others who shall be any ways aiding and assisting, or in confederacy with them, to condign punishment: