Players' Union

The Association Football Players' and Trainers' Union (AFPTU), commonly known as the Players' Union, in the United Kingdom was the original association that became the Professional Footballers' Association. Their stated aims were freedom of movement of players and obtaining the same employment rights as other workers. The Union's objectives were made clear in 1909, and this caused the Football Association to withdraw their recognition of the Union, which at that time sought to join the General Federation of Trade Unions.

Players' Union

The Association Football Players' and Trainers' Union (AFPTU), commonly known as the Players' Union, in the United Kingdom was the original association that became the Professional Footballers' Association. Their stated aims were freedom of movement of players and obtaining the same employment rights as other workers. The Union's objectives were made clear in 1909, and this caused the Football Association to withdraw their recognition of the Union, which at that time sought to join the General Federation of Trade Unions.