Poble Lliure

Poble Lliure (English: Free People) is a Catalan socialist and independentist political organisation, which forms part of the Independentist Catalan Left. Poble Lliure was founded in November 2014 from historical militants of the Movement for Defence of the Land (MDT) and independents linked to social movements. Poble Lliure supports the Front Republicà, the Popular Unity Candidates and the Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC).

Poble Lliure

Poble Lliure (English: Free People) is a Catalan socialist and independentist political organisation, which forms part of the Independentist Catalan Left. Poble Lliure was founded in November 2014 from historical militants of the Movement for Defence of the Land (MDT) and independents linked to social movements. Poble Lliure supports the Front Republicà, the Popular Unity Candidates and the Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC).