
PollyWorld is a Canadian-American-Korean direct-to-video animated film from Universal Studios, based on the Polly Pocket toy franchise. It is the third film preceding Lunar Eclipse and 2 Cool at the Pocket Plaza, and the only one that is feature-length. It premiered on November 12, 2006, on Nickelodeon and later on Cartoon Network in the United States, and was released on DVD the following Tuesday.


PollyWorld is a Canadian-American-Korean direct-to-video animated film from Universal Studios, based on the Polly Pocket toy franchise. It is the third film preceding Lunar Eclipse and 2 Cool at the Pocket Plaza, and the only one that is feature-length. It premiered on November 12, 2006, on Nickelodeon and later on Cartoon Network in the United States, and was released on DVD the following Tuesday.