Polygon covering

A covering of a polygon is a set of primitive units (e.g. squares) whose union equals the polygon. A polygon covering problem is a problem of finding a covering with a smallest number of units for a given polygon. This is an important class of problems in computational geometry. There are many different polygon covering problems, depending on the type of polygon being covering. An example polygon covering problem is: given a rectilinear polygon, find a smallest set of squares whose union equals the polygon.

Polygon covering

A covering of a polygon is a set of primitive units (e.g. squares) whose union equals the polygon. A polygon covering problem is a problem of finding a covering with a smallest number of units for a given polygon. This is an important class of problems in computational geometry. There are many different polygon covering problems, depending on the type of polygon being covering. An example polygon covering problem is: given a rectilinear polygon, find a smallest set of squares whose union equals the polygon.