Polymer turbulence drag reduction

In 1948 Toms discovered by experiments that the addition of a small amount of polymer into a turbulent Newtonian solvent (parts per million by weight), whichresults in a Non-Newtonian fluid solution, can reduce the skin frictional drag on a stationarysurface by up to 80% . This technology has been successfullyimplemented to reduce pumping cost for oil pipelines, to increase the flow rate infire fighting equipment and to help irrigation and drainage (Sellin & Ollis, 1980;Khalil et al., 2002). It also has potential applications in the design of ship and submarinehulls to achieve an increased speed and reduced energy cost.

Polymer turbulence drag reduction

In 1948 Toms discovered by experiments that the addition of a small amount of polymer into a turbulent Newtonian solvent (parts per million by weight), whichresults in a Non-Newtonian fluid solution, can reduce the skin frictional drag on a stationarysurface by up to 80% . This technology has been successfullyimplemented to reduce pumping cost for oil pipelines, to increase the flow rate infire fighting equipment and to help irrigation and drainage (Sellin & Ollis, 1980;Khalil et al., 2002). It also has potential applications in the design of ship and submarinehulls to achieve an increased speed and reduced energy cost.