Popular Executive Committee of Valencia

The Popular Executive Committee of Valencia was a revolutionary autonomous entity created on July 22, to confront the Spanish coup of July 1936 which started the Spanish Civil War. It was made up of the political forces of the Popular Front and the trade union forces of the National Confederation of Labor (Spanish: Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, CNT) and General Union of Workers (Unión General de Trabajadores, UGT). Based in Valencia, it covered most of Valencia province and part of Castellón and Alicante.

Popular Executive Committee of Valencia

The Popular Executive Committee of Valencia was a revolutionary autonomous entity created on July 22, to confront the Spanish coup of July 1936 which started the Spanish Civil War. It was made up of the political forces of the Popular Front and the trade union forces of the National Confederation of Labor (Spanish: Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, CNT) and General Union of Workers (Unión General de Trabajadores, UGT). Based in Valencia, it covered most of Valencia province and part of Castellón and Alicante.