Popular Italy

Popular Italy (Italian: Italia Popolare, IP), whose complete name is Popular Italy – Movement for Europe (Italia Popolare – Movimento per l'Europa, IP–MpE) is a Christian-democratic political party in Italy, which used to be a faction within the Democratic Party. Its leading members were , Gerardo Bianco and , all three MPs elected for Democracy is Freedom – The Daisy. They were the most sceptical group of that party about the merger with Democrats of the Left to form the Democratic Party, and they were cold supporters of it. Although being members of the Italian People's Party when this party decided to join The Olive Tree (Bianco was then party secretary), they were very proud of their Christian-democratic identity and never left the European People's Party.

Popular Italy

Popular Italy (Italian: Italia Popolare, IP), whose complete name is Popular Italy – Movement for Europe (Italia Popolare – Movimento per l'Europa, IP–MpE) is a Christian-democratic political party in Italy, which used to be a faction within the Democratic Party. Its leading members were , Gerardo Bianco and , all three MPs elected for Democracy is Freedom – The Daisy. They were the most sceptical group of that party about the merger with Democrats of the Left to form the Democratic Party, and they were cold supporters of it. Although being members of the Italian People's Party when this party decided to join The Olive Tree (Bianco was then party secretary), they were very proud of their Christian-democratic identity and never left the European People's Party.