Pornpipat Benyasri

Pornpipat Benyasri is a Thai General who served as the Chief of Defence Forces of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, following his appointment by King Vajiralongkorn in September 2018. He held various positions including as the commander of the National Defence College in 2006, became the Permanent Secretary of the Military Accounts in 2013, became the Deputy Chief of Staff, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters in 2016, and became the Chief of Staff, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters in 2017.

Pornpipat Benyasri

Pornpipat Benyasri is a Thai General who served as the Chief of Defence Forces of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, following his appointment by King Vajiralongkorn in September 2018. He held various positions including as the commander of the National Defence College in 2006, became the Permanent Secretary of the Military Accounts in 2013, became the Deputy Chief of Staff, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters in 2016, and became the Chief of Staff, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters in 2017.