Porta Angelica

Porta Angelica was a gate of the Leonine Wall in Rome (Italy). it rose close to the corner of the present Viale dei Bastioni di Michelangelo, Piazza Risorgimento and Via di Porta Angelica, where a coat of arms of Pope Pius XI is now visible. The gate, built before 1563 by Pope Pius IV with an elegant and simple bossage, was the main access route for the pilgrims arriving to Rome through Via Cassia or via Flaminia.

Porta Angelica

Porta Angelica was a gate of the Leonine Wall in Rome (Italy). it rose close to the corner of the present Viale dei Bastioni di Michelangelo, Piazza Risorgimento and Via di Porta Angelica, where a coat of arms of Pope Pius XI is now visible. The gate, built before 1563 by Pope Pius IV with an elegant and simple bossage, was the main access route for the pilgrims arriving to Rome through Via Cassia or via Flaminia.