
Prajñāvarman (Tibetan: shes rab go cha) was an 8th-century Buddhist writer. He lived during the reigns of the Pala king, Gopala I and the Tibetan emperor Trisong Detsen, under whose auspices he came to Tibet. He was a contemporary of Jinamitra. Among his translations is the Abhayapradā-nāma-aparājita ('Phags pa gzhan gyis mi thub pa mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa) co-translated with Ye shes sde (published as Tôh. no. 708 and no. 928). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 176v.1-177v.6.)


Prajñāvarman (Tibetan: shes rab go cha) was an 8th-century Buddhist writer. He lived during the reigns of the Pala king, Gopala I and the Tibetan emperor Trisong Detsen, under whose auspices he came to Tibet. He was a contemporary of Jinamitra. Among his translations is the Abhayapradā-nāma-aparājita ('Phags pa gzhan gyis mi thub pa mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa) co-translated with Ye shes sde (published as Tôh. no. 708 and no. 928). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 176v.1-177v.6.)