
Prānapada is a necessary special lagna calculated from the position of the Sun at sunrise; the Sun is the giver of life and Prānapada indicates the life energy. The Aitareya Aranyaka reminds us that Prana (breath) is sound, for every breath when it sounds, sounds loud, as it were. Prāna is Sukta ('well-said'), Prāna is the Rik ('verse'), Prāna is the Pada ('word') (Aitareya-āranyaka II.ii.8).


Prānapada is a necessary special lagna calculated from the position of the Sun at sunrise; the Sun is the giver of life and Prānapada indicates the life energy. The Aitareya Aranyaka reminds us that Prana (breath) is sound, for every breath when it sounds, sounds loud, as it were. Prāna is Sukta ('well-said'), Prāna is the Rik ('verse'), Prāna is the Pada ('word') (Aitareya-āranyaka II.ii.8).