
The RSW Prasa-Książka-Ruch literally the Workers' Publishing Cooperative abbreviated to RSW "Press-Book-Movement" (Polish: Robotnicza Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza "Prasa-Książka-Ruch"), was a state-owned newspaper monopoly in communist Poland founded on 1 January 1973 by the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR). It operated a system of printing houses and distribution outlets (see also: Empik), and owned vast real estate including resort and recreation property also rented out.


The RSW Prasa-Książka-Ruch literally the Workers' Publishing Cooperative abbreviated to RSW "Press-Book-Movement" (Polish: Robotnicza Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza "Prasa-Książka-Ruch"), was a state-owned newspaper monopoly in communist Poland founded on 1 January 1973 by the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR). It operated a system of printing houses and distribution outlets (see also: Empik), and owned vast real estate including resort and recreation property also rented out.