Prawn cocktail, steak and Black Forest gateau

Prawn cocktail, steak garni with chips, and Black Forest gâteau was the most popular dinner menu in British restaurants in the 1980s, according to contemporary surveys by trade magazine Caterer and Hotelkeeper. It was especially associated with the Berni Inn chain which popularised mass-market dining out after the end of food rationing in Britain, following the Second World War. The Prawn Cocktail Years, by Simon Hopkinson and Lindsey Bareham, called this meal the Great British Meal Out.

Prawn cocktail, steak and Black Forest gateau

Prawn cocktail, steak garni with chips, and Black Forest gâteau was the most popular dinner menu in British restaurants in the 1980s, according to contemporary surveys by trade magazine Caterer and Hotelkeeper. It was especially associated with the Berni Inn chain which popularised mass-market dining out after the end of food rationing in Britain, following the Second World War. The Prawn Cocktail Years, by Simon Hopkinson and Lindsey Bareham, called this meal the Great British Meal Out.