Predator X (TV program)

Predator X is a 2009 television special on the cable television channel History. The show documents the excavation of a giant pliosaur on an island in the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago. The special follows Dr. Jørn Hurum and a team of paleontologists from the University of Oslo as they excavate the site. In 2012, it was given the taxonomic name Pliosaurus funkei.

Predator X (TV program)

Predator X is a 2009 television special on the cable television channel History. The show documents the excavation of a giant pliosaur on an island in the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago. The special follows Dr. Jørn Hurum and a team of paleontologists from the University of Oslo as they excavate the site. In 2012, it was given the taxonomic name Pliosaurus funkei.