President's Scout (Singapore Scout Association)

The President's Scout Award is the highest rank in the Singapore Scout Association. It is awarded after completing a determined list of accomplishments. The idea of the President's Scout Award (PSA) for Singapore Scouts was first mooted when the former colony of UK attained independence in 1965, after a brief merger with the Federation of Malaysia between 1963–65 and self-governance as the State of Singapore between 1959-63. The Singapore Boy Scouts Association (renamed the Singapore Scout Association in 1968) was a branch of The Scout Association, UK. Following the British Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) since 1910, the Association had issued King's Scout badges (and later Queen's Scout badges after 1952) to qualified Boy Scouts since General Baden-Powell founded the award, granted b

President's Scout (Singapore Scout Association)

The President's Scout Award is the highest rank in the Singapore Scout Association. It is awarded after completing a determined list of accomplishments. The idea of the President's Scout Award (PSA) for Singapore Scouts was first mooted when the former colony of UK attained independence in 1965, after a brief merger with the Federation of Malaysia between 1963–65 and self-governance as the State of Singapore between 1959-63. The Singapore Boy Scouts Association (renamed the Singapore Scout Association in 1968) was a branch of The Scout Association, UK. Following the British Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) since 1910, the Association had issued King's Scout badges (and later Queen's Scout badges after 1952) to qualified Boy Scouts since General Baden-Powell founded the award, granted b