Presidium of the Reichstag (Weimar Republic)

The Presidium of the Reichstag was a political office in the German Weimar Republic. It consisted of the Reichstagspräsident, Erster Stellvertreter (First Deputy President), Zweiter Stellvertreter (Second Deputy President) and Dritter Stellvertreter (Third Deputy President). The President was elected on the proposal of the largest group by the members of the House and remained in office until a successor has been elected.

Presidium of the Reichstag (Weimar Republic)

The Presidium of the Reichstag was a political office in the German Weimar Republic. It consisted of the Reichstagspräsident, Erster Stellvertreter (First Deputy President), Zweiter Stellvertreter (Second Deputy President) and Dritter Stellvertreter (Third Deputy President). The President was elected on the proposal of the largest group by the members of the House and remained in office until a successor has been elected.