Principality of Outer Baldonia

The Principality of Outer Baldonia is a defunct micronation that claimed sovereignty over approximately 4 acres (16,000 m2) of Outer Bald Tusket Island, the southernmost of the Tusket Islands off the southern tip of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. After the Soviet state publication Literaturnaya Gazeta published a critique of the charter of Outer Baldonia, Outer Baldonia declared war on the Soviet Union on March 9, 1953. The Soviets issued a series of condemnations through their various press outlets, and press coverage exposed the principality as a humorous half-truth.

Principality of Outer Baldonia

The Principality of Outer Baldonia is a defunct micronation that claimed sovereignty over approximately 4 acres (16,000 m2) of Outer Bald Tusket Island, the southernmost of the Tusket Islands off the southern tip of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. After the Soviet state publication Literaturnaya Gazeta published a critique of the charter of Outer Baldonia, Outer Baldonia declared war on the Soviet Union on March 9, 1953. The Soviets issued a series of condemnations through their various press outlets, and press coverage exposed the principality as a humorous half-truth.