Professor of Genetics, University of Oxford

The Professorship of Genetics at the University of Oxford is a professorship that is attached to a fellowship at Keble College, Oxford. It was established in 1969 to address the relative lack of genetics available to undergraduate students at the University and has contributed to the development of genetics as an academic discipline there. The decision to create the position came at a time when notable geneticists at the university – the ecological geneticist Edmund Brisco Ford and the Sherardian Professor of Botany Cyril Darlington – had retired or were about to retire. The University created a lecturer and a demonstrator post in the discipline at the same time.

Professor of Genetics, University of Oxford

The Professorship of Genetics at the University of Oxford is a professorship that is attached to a fellowship at Keble College, Oxford. It was established in 1969 to address the relative lack of genetics available to undergraduate students at the University and has contributed to the development of genetics as an academic discipline there. The decision to create the position came at a time when notable geneticists at the university – the ecological geneticist Edmund Brisco Ford and the Sherardian Professor of Botany Cyril Darlington – had retired or were about to retire. The University created a lecturer and a demonstrator post in the discipline at the same time.