Prohibition of Political Interference Act, 1968

The Prohibition of Political Interference Act, 1968 (Act No. 51 of 1968, which was also known as the Prohibition of Improper Interference Act, and was later renamed the Prohibition of Foreign Financing of Political Parties Act), was a piece of apartheid legislation in South Africa that sought to prevent racial groups from collaborating with each other for a political purpose. This act is thought to have been enacted by the ruling apartheid government to prevent the strong growth of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA), which were made up of South Africans of various races who were against the racially divisive policies of the Apartheid regime government.

Prohibition of Political Interference Act, 1968

The Prohibition of Political Interference Act, 1968 (Act No. 51 of 1968, which was also known as the Prohibition of Improper Interference Act, and was later renamed the Prohibition of Foreign Financing of Political Parties Act), was a piece of apartheid legislation in South Africa that sought to prevent racial groups from collaborating with each other for a political purpose. This act is thought to have been enacted by the ruling apartheid government to prevent the strong growth of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA), which were made up of South Africans of various races who were against the racially divisive policies of the Apartheid regime government.