Proto-cuneiform numerals

The proto-cuneiform numerals are one of the most complex systems of enumeration in any early writing system. Their decipherment took place over several phases in the 20th century, including major advances in Adam Falkenstein’s 1936 signlist, specific studies by [de] and A. A. Vajman, and ultimately the identification and decipherment of fifteen distinct systems of enumeration in the collaborative efforts of and in the 1980s as part of the project.

Proto-cuneiform numerals

The proto-cuneiform numerals are one of the most complex systems of enumeration in any early writing system. Their decipherment took place over several phases in the 20th century, including major advances in Adam Falkenstein’s 1936 signlist, specific studies by [de] and A. A. Vajman, and ultimately the identification and decipherment of fifteen distinct systems of enumeration in the collaborative efforts of and in the 1980s as part of the project.