Psychology of religion and dreams

Dreams have been interpreted in many different ways from being a source of power to the capability of understanding and communicating with the dead. Traditional forms of societies considered dreams as portals to another world, a spirit world. These societies would even say they could gain most of their religious ideas from dreams. They could identify the sacred and gain access to sacred realms or portals to the supernatural. Psychologists have been researching dreams as of the 21st century because the connection between religious connotations in dreams has brought about growth and health. However, many different psychologists claim there is very little evidence to the research on the psychology of religion and dreams.

Psychology of religion and dreams

Dreams have been interpreted in many different ways from being a source of power to the capability of understanding and communicating with the dead. Traditional forms of societies considered dreams as portals to another world, a spirit world. These societies would even say they could gain most of their religious ideas from dreams. They could identify the sacred and gain access to sacred realms or portals to the supernatural. Psychologists have been researching dreams as of the 21st century because the connection between religious connotations in dreams has brought about growth and health. However, many different psychologists claim there is very little evidence to the research on the psychology of religion and dreams.